2007 Toby Press

Toby Press, UK, 2002
ISBN-10: 1902881559
ISBN-13: 978-1902881553
A novel set in King David's
reign in Jerusalem, 1000 BCE. Inspired by the brief
description of the "Shunnamite" in the Book of Samuel
in the Old Testament, it depicts the setting of the
"unified kingdom" of David and Solomon and the
underlying causes of its eventual split into two
kingdoms, Judah and Israel. It is mainly a romantic
novel, and Lotan's favourite of all her writings.
"An astonishingly vivid recreation of King David's court, with all the legendary actors historicized, given temperaments and biographies, and shown in a moment of great drama and political complexity. Lotan's novel is like no other I know. Utterly free of cliché, her picture of life in Jerusalem of the 10th century B.C. is strange and compelling. And the portrait of the young beauty Avishag is a triumph."
--Donald Fanger, Harvard University (Author: Dostoevsky and the Romantic Realists)
“The description of David's City and the surrounding areas enables the reader to be transported to the region in the time of King David’s reign ... the writing is evocative of the land, its terrain, and the way of life that might have been in the time of King David. The language has a musical cadence that alludes to times past, and allows the reader to travel through time and space, creating a literary work that could have taken place three millennia ago… [This] novel …belongs to to a growing genre of Modern Midrash.”
-- M. Kaplan-Green, The Source Israel Online Magazine
"…in Lotan's novel [Avishag] comes alive as an intelligent resourceful young woman. "
(- Amazon.com customer review)
"…a wonderful escapist book. Just lie back and enjoy the sounds, smells, and feel of ancient Jerusalem. Growing up reading the bible, this book brought all the biblical characters of this period to life in vivid colors and made them human and real.
Avishag is a beautiful character, the exact opposite the stereotype of the biblical concubine. She's smart, independent, resourceful and powerful. ... - I loved it!"
(- Amazon.com customer review)
"The author writes from a knowledgeable standpoint in the eyes of a handmaiden often forgotten until you re-read the Bible itself. ... sheds light on the period of instability when David's sons vied for position. Add this to your library of biblical fiction."
(- Amazon.com customer review)
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חייו ומותו של עמוס אוריון

שלושה חודשים לאחר שיצא מן הכלא נרצח אוריון, יחד עם אדם נוסף, בבית המטבחיים של חברת "בר-בקר". הפרשה התעוררה מחדש והגיעה לשיאה במשפטם של רחמים אהרוני וטוביה אושרי, שנודע בשם "משפט הרצח הכפול".
יעל לוטן הכירה את אוריון באותם שבועות קצרים בין שיחרורו למותו, והתכוננה לכתוב את קורותיו. אחרי שנרצח, היא המשיכה במשימה וחשפה הרבה מידע מרתק על האיש ועל הנסיבות הדרמטיות של חייו ומותו
(Hebrew). The true story of a remarkable man who spent the last decade of his thirty-three years of life in an Israeli prison, convicted of a murder he did not commit. The author knew him during the last 100 days of his life and heard most of the story from him. After he himself was murdered, she gathered the rest of the story from various sources, including his Christian-Polish family and the Israeli judges and lawyers who were involved in his case. A documentary movie based on the book was broadcast on Israeli television.
Mangrove Town
1965 Doubleday
| Avon Books

Doubleday (hardcover) 1964
Avon Books (paperback) 1964
A novel set in a
newly-independent West Indian island, with a story that
involves both personal relations between outsiders and
local people, and background developments in the
economy and society of the former British colony.
"A sizzling novel about an island where love was free but pride and passion were not for sale."
Bookseller Inventory # 017774
1962 Bantam
Bantam, 1962, ASIN: B000TYZXO0
Loosely based on a movie-script by Jules Dassin (director of Never on Sunday) and Margareta Liberaki, it is a modern version of the myth of Phaedra and Hippolytus. Commissioned by Bantam Books to coincide with the release of Dassin's movie of the same name in 1963.
The Other I
UK edition: 1959, Peter Davies ("The Other Eye")
US edition: 1962, Bobbs-Merrill
A short novel told by a young South American woman about her relationship with her brother. Takes place in South America and England.
Well received by the critics, despite the shocking theme of incestuous love.